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Easy Tips for a Good Night Sleep in Quarantine

Are you tired of tossing and turning all night? Worried about under eye dark circles? Now because of Covid many people work from home so we tend to take things little casual at home. Here are Easy Tips for a Good Night Sleep in Quarantine! I am sure if you follow these tips you will wake up refreshed and happy in the morning.

Easy Tips for a Good Night Sleep in Quarantine


You’re done with lunch. You’ve watched your favourite soap opera and now your bed beckons with open arms. Resist! Stay away from those long naps during the day. Let your body cry for sleep and then gift it a long night of rest.


If you’re used to guzzling down pots of coffee or tea after dinner then it’s time to stop. Also avoid drinking alcohol just before bedtime. It will affect your sleep patterns negatively. If you’re a smoker, then that could cause sleep trouble as Nicotine is a stimulant.


Are you sending your body the right signals? Don’t confuse your body with a great workout just before you go to bed or your system will be begging you to stay up and party all night. It is good to workout in the morning or in the evenings.


Try and keep the room dark so external lights don’t distract you from your beauty sleep.


An iron deficiency could cause sleep trouble. So get a check up and if there’s a problem, iron supplements can help balance out your system so it doesn’t affect your sleep.

ALSO READ- 17 Things to Do at Home During Quarantine


It helps to have a nice, warm and cosy bed with comfortable pillows. Get a mattress that suits your body well. Your room should be ventilated, quiet and not freezing cold! Keep the temperature just the way you like it.


Don’t get worked up about bedtime. Relax and listen to some music, take a warm bath, meditate, drink some herbal tea or just do some breathing exercise. Let your body wind down gradually.


Especially before you sleep. You don’t HAVE to eat all the leftovers. Just save it for tomorrow. Eat two hours before you head to bed. Let it all digest. Don’t drink your 8 glasses of water either, just before bedtime.

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This will soothe your nerves and prepare your body for rest.

Try out these tips for a good night sleep. Let me know if you have any other tips for a good night sleep.

Thanks for reading,



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Hola!! Welcome to Makeupadda I Khushboo am the founder and writer of Makeupadda. I started this blog to share my passion for makeup and beauty. I am a nature lover, loves travelling and exploring new places. Makeupadda is not just a beauty website but a resource for beauty enthusiast featuring many makeup reviews, beauty reviews, beauty news and updates, beauty tips. Contact-

View Comments

  • Wow! These are really helpful tips. I agree that warm milk can really help have a good night sleep. A lot in my family drink it before they sleep!

  • At the beginning of quarantine I suffered with terrible insomnia. The culprit for me was using screens late at night. Now I get off my laptop/phone at 9pm and read instead. I sleep better now.

  • These are a great tips for a goodnight sleep. I actually do most of this except for the milk. Thanks for sharing.

  • Having no lights whatsoever definitely helps me! I live within a set of units, and there's a few outside lights that come on automatically at nighttime right outside our bedroom windows that drive me insane. I already have a sleeping disorder - so unfortunately getting a good night's sleep is a foreign concept to me anyway - but recently the globe that's outside OUR window blew so the light hasn't been shining through and it's made it SO much darker in our room, it's the best 🙌

  • These are all sound advice. I am ready for bed around midnight, which means I feel sleepy and tired, but once I lay in bed, all these worries keep flooding in and I can't sleep! It takes about 2 more hours of tossing and turning before I can actually relax and fall asleep. This quarantine is really taking a toll on my mental well being. I will try your tips and hopefully it would help.

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